Quotes From "Beast Machine" By Brad McKinniss

Few men want to achieve greatness for humanity, thought Jeffrey. What better person is there to work for? Brad McKinniss
We need to be able to control - erm, guide the masses that can't help control themselves. Brad McKinniss
Humans and their governments have effectively neutered the population to the point that they're just skinbags, mouth-breathers and pseudo-intellectuals repeating political, religious or academic rhetoric that they don't even understand! Brad McKinniss
They know how to eat, shit, drive their cars, do menial work, watch television and produce equally stupid spawns of themselves; what the hell are they doing to help mankind? Brad McKinniss
Never. I promise you this: they will stay together. They will be safe. My children will be accompanying them to the same home. Brad McKinniss
They're going to get the death penalty. They'll be strung up and made to be laughed at out in the streets and made examples of! Brad McKinniss
And which one of you wimpy men will be doing the killing? Brad McKinniss
I should have been the King of Earth, or at least that's what my memory tells me... Brad McKinniss
I don't need a speech. I have all I need to say right up here. He pointed at his head in confidence. Brad McKinniss
The materials are mostly from living beings - living human beings. They need to be alive to extract the necessary materials. Brad McKinniss
You knew those people could be temperamental. Brad McKinniss
God damn, do I have to be y'all's babysitter? Brad McKinniss
I want you to ask yourself the entire time before you meet me, 'Is this really what I want? Brad McKinniss
The casket was lined with lovely velvet, which must have felt lovely even to the dead, but the glowing man continued to rip up the casket. Brad McKinniss
Does it kill them? I don't want to be killing Americans whatsoever, Jeffrey. Brad McKinniss
Does nothing new ever happen in this fucking country? Brad McKinniss